Schema — OPTIONAL |
Message string — OPTIONALInformation about the outcome of the request. | Invalid object[] — OPTIONALSupplied productItemStocks that failed validation. Id string — OPTIONALA value to uniquely identity a single product item.
This value can represent different fields, depending on configuration. | Stock int32 — OPTIONAL | StockSellable int32 — OPTIONALThe sellable stock value.
This value is read only. | StockType int32 — OPTIONALPossible values: [0 , 1 , 2 ] The type of stock to be updated.
0 = Available. Sets the actual count of items in warehouse.
1 = Oversellable. Sets the count for items that are available for purchase but not in physical stock.
2 = Static. Sets the count for items that have a static count that is always available (eg. digital gift cards).
When set, the stock count should be considered the max amount a customer can put in cart for the current item. |
| NotFound object[] — OPTIONALSupplied productItemStocks that were technically valid, but couldn't be found. Id string — OPTIONALA value to uniquely identity a single product item.
This value can represent different fields, depending on configuration. | Stock int32 — OPTIONAL | StockSellable int32 — OPTIONALThe sellable stock value.
This value is read only. | StockType int32 — OPTIONALPossible values: [0 , 1 , 2 ] The type of stock to be updated.
0 = Available. Sets the actual count of items in warehouse.
1 = Oversellable. Sets the count for items that are available for purchase but not in physical stock.
2 = Static. Sets the count for items that have a static count that is always available (eg. digital gift cards).
When set, the stock count should be considered the max amount a customer can put in cart for the current item. |
| UpdateCount int32 — OPTIONALNumber of stock updates resulting from the request. |
Schema — OPTIONAL |
Message string — OPTIONALInformation about the outcome of the request. | Invalid object[] — OPTIONALSupplied productItemStocks that failed validation. Id string — OPTIONALA value to uniquely identity a single product item.
This value can represent different fields, depending on configuration. | Stock int32 — OPTIONAL | StockSellable int32 — OPTIONALThe sellable stock value.
This value is read only. | StockType int32 — OPTIONALPossible values: [0 , 1 , 2 ] The type of stock to be updated.
0 = Available. Sets the actual count of items in warehouse.
1 = Oversellable. Sets the count for items that are available for purchase but not in physical stock.
2 = Static. Sets the count for items that have a static count that is always available (eg. digital gift cards).
When set, the stock count should be considered the max amount a customer can put in cart for the current item. |
| NotFound object[] — OPTIONALSupplied productItemStocks that were technically valid, but couldn't be found. Id string — OPTIONALA value to uniquely identity a single product item.
This value can represent different fields, depending on configuration. | Stock int32 — OPTIONAL | StockSellable int32 — OPTIONALThe sellable stock value.
This value is read only. | StockType int32 — OPTIONALPossible values: [0 , 1 , 2 ] The type of stock to be updated.
0 = Available. Sets the actual count of items in warehouse.
1 = Oversellable. Sets the count for items that are available for purchase but not in physical stock.
2 = Static. Sets the count for items that have a static count that is always available (eg. digital gift cards).
When set, the stock count should be considered the max amount a customer can put in cart for the current item. |
| UpdateCount int32 — OPTIONALNumber of stock updates resulting from the request. |