ProductId int32 — OPTIONALThe unique identifier for the product. |
ArticleNumber string — OPTIONALThe article number of the product. |
Names object[] — OPTIONALThe localized names of the product. LanguageCode string — OPTIONAL | Content string — OPTIONAL |
DateCreated date-time — OPTIONALThe date the product was created. |
DateUpdated date-time — OPTIONALThe date the product was last updated. |
DateFirstAvailable date-time — OPTIONALThe date the product was first available. |
MaxDiscountPercentage int32 — OPTIONALMaximum discount percentage for the product. |
Active boolean — OPTIONALThe current state of the product. |
PurchasePrice double — OPTIONALThe purchase price in the currency defined in PurchasePriceCurrency. |
PurchasePriceCurrency string — OPTIONAL |
ShortTexts object[] — OPTIONALLocalized short texts for the product. LanguageCode string — OPTIONAL | Content string — OPTIONAL |
LongTexts object[] — OPTIONALLocalized long texts for the product. LanguageCode string — OPTIONAL | Content string — OPTIONAL |
TechTexts object[] — OPTIONALLocalized tech texts for the product. LanguageCode string — OPTIONAL | Content string — OPTIONAL |
Items object[] — OPTIONALThe items belonging to the product. ItemId int32 — OPTIONAL | ArticleNumber string — OPTIONALThe article number for the product item. | ProductId int32 — OPTIONALThe id of the product that the item belongs to. | Name string — OPTIONALThe name of the product item. | Shelf string — OPTIONALThe shelf name where the product item can be found. | Weight int32 — OPTIONALThe weight of the item in grams (g). | Length int32 — OPTIONALThe length of the item in millimeters (mm). | Width int32 — OPTIONALThe width of the item in millimeters (mm). | Height int32 — OPTIONALThe height of the item in millimeters (mm). | Gtin string — OPTIONALThe GTIN number for the item.
Also known as EAN, UCC or UPS number. | DateCreated date-time — OPTIONALThe date the item was created. | DateUpdated date-time — OPTIONALThe date the item was last updated. | DateIncoming date-time — OPTIONALThe date the item will be in stock again. | Active boolean — OPTIONALThe current state of the item. | ExternalId string — OPTIONALExternal Id of the product item. | Stock object — OPTIONALA stock value for a product item ItemId int32 — OPTIONALA value to uniquely identity a single product item. | Stock int32 — OPTIONALThe physical stock value. | StockOversellable int32 — OPTIONALThe oversellable stock value. | StockStatic int32 — OPTIONAL | StockSellable int32 — OPTIONALThe sellable stock value. |
| ShippingFees object[] — OPTIONALThe lowest shipping fees for each market and country for the product item. Market int32 — OPTIONALThe market that the shipping fee is applicable on. | Country string — OPTIONALThe country that the shipping fee is applicable in. | Service string — OPTIONALThe shipping service with the current fee. | ServiceId int32 — OPTIONALThe shipping service id with the current fee. | Fee double — OPTIONAL |
Prices object[] — OPTIONALThe current prices of the product. ProductId int32 — OPTIONALThe id of the product that this price applies to. | PriceListId int32 — OPTIONALThe id of the price list that this price is associated with. | PriceListName string — OPTIONALThe name of the price list that this price is associated with. | PriceIncVat double — OPTIONALThe price, inc VAT, in the currency of the associated price list. | PriceExVat double — OPTIONALThe price, ex VAT, in the currency of the associated price list. | VatRate double — OPTIONAL | Country string — OPTIONALThe 2-letter ISO country code for this price. | Currency string — OPTIONAL | StaggeredCount int32 — OPTIONALStaggered count for this price. Defaults to 1.
This field is ignored for prices on default (Ordinary, Sale and Campaign) price lists. | ValidFrom date-time — OPTIONALThe date the price is valid from.
No start boundary if null. | ValidTo date-time — OPTIONALThe date the price is valid to.
No end boundary if null. |
Categories object[] — OPTIONALThe categories the product belongs to. CategoryId int32 — OPTIONAL | ParentCategoryId int32 — OPTIONALThe id of the parent category. If the category is at the root level, this field will be 0. | Names object[] — OPTIONALThe localizable names of the category. LanguageCode string — OPTIONAL | Content string — OPTIONAL |
| Descriptions object[] — OPTIONALThe localized descriptions of the category. LanguageCode string — OPTIONAL | Content string — OPTIONAL |
| GoogleCategoryPath string — OPTIONALThe Google Taxonomy category path for the category, if any. | Hidden boolean — OPTIONALIndicates if the category should be hidden from menus, filters etc. | Active boolean — OPTIONALTrue if the category is active for use. |
Images object[] — OPTIONALThe images for the product ProductId int32 — OPTIONAL | Url string — OPTIONAL | Order int32 — OPTIONALOrder of image (ascending). First image is the main image for the product. | Tags string[] — OPTIONALThe tags associated with this image. |
BrandId int32 — OPTIONALThe brand id of the product. |
BrandName string — OPTIONALThe brand name of the product. |
SupplierId int32 — OPTIONALThe supplier id of the product. |
SupplierName string — OPTIONALThe supplier name of the product. |
ParameterValues object[] — OPTIONALThe parameter values associated with the product. ParameterValueId int32 — OPTIONALThe unique identifier of this parameter value. | ProductId int32 — OPTIONALThe product id of the parameter. | ParameterId int32 — OPTIONALThe unique identifier of the parameter that this value belongs to. | ParameterName string — OPTIONALThe non-localized name of the parameter. | GroupId int32 — OPTIONALThe unique identifier of the group that this parameter belongs to. | GroupName string — OPTIONALThe name of the group that this parameter belongs to. | ParameterType int32 — OPTIONALPossible values: [1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ] The type of parameter.
The Value field must validate against this type.
1 = String. Any string value.
2 = Float. Any floating point number.
Period as decimal separator and no thousands separator.
Eg: 10001.789.
3 = DateTime. Any ISO 8601 date.
Eg: 2017-03-06T16:31:24+02:00.
4 = Multi. A string value from a predefined set of values.
This type may occur multiple times for the same parameter.
5 = Single. A string value from a predefined set of values.
6 = Headline. A string value used mainly for grouping in layout.
7 = Tags. A pipe-separated list of product specific values.
Eg: red|green|blue. | Value string — OPTIONALThe identifying value of the parameter.
Although always presented as a string, the data within Value must validate against the type of the parameter:
String = Any string.
Float = Any floating point number.
DateTime = Any date.
Multi = Any predefined value id from the predefined set of values for this parameter.
Single = Any predefined value id from the predefined set of values for this parameter.
Headline = Any string. | Description string — OPTIONALThe non-localized description of the parameter.
This is usually the same value as Value for all parameter types, except Single Multi. | LocalizedDescriptions object[] — OPTIONALThe localized descriptions of the parameter.
Not used for parameter types Float or DateTime. LanguageCode string — OPTIONAL | Content string — OPTIONAL |
| InternalIdentifier string — OPTIONALThe internal identifier of the parameter. | Order string — OPTIONALValue indicating order of the parameter value. The value takes the order of the parameter into account. Formula: (ParameterOrder * 10000) + ParameterValueOrder. |
Variants object[] — OPTIONALThe variants for this product. ProductId int32 — OPTIONALThe id of the product this variant information belongs to. | GroupId int32 — OPTIONALThe id of the group this variant belongs to. | Label string — OPTIONALThe name of the variant information, eg "Weight", "Length" etc. | Value string — OPTIONALThe value of the variant information, eg "250g", "89cm" etc. |
Markets object[] — OPTIONALThe markets for this product Id int32 — OPTIONAL | ChannelId string — OPTIONALChannel id. Format: {Íd}|{MarketTopDomain} | Name string — OPTIONAL | DisplayName string — OPTIONAL | Url string — OPTIONAL | Currency string — OPTIONALDefault currency iso code of the market. | VatRate double — OPTIONALDefault VAT Rate of the market. | MarketPrefix string — OPTIONALMarket prefix. Usually the top level domain of the market. | CountryId int32 — OPTIONALDefault country Id of the market. | CurrencyId int32 — OPTIONALDefault currency Id of the market. | CurrencyRate double — OPTIONALCurrency rate of the default currency. | LanguageId int32 — OPTIONALDefault language Id of the market. | Language string — OPTIONALDefault language iso code of the market. | Languages object[] — OPTIONALAll languages of the market. LanguageId int32 — OPTIONAL | Name string — OPTIONAL | Code string — OPTIONALISO code of the language. |
| Countries object[] — OPTIONALAll countries of the market. CountryId int32 — OPTIONAL | Name string — OPTIONAL | Code string — OPTIONAL | VatRate double — OPTIONAL | CurrencyId int32 — OPTIONALCurrency id of the country. |
| Currencies object[] — OPTIONALAll currencies of the market. Name string — OPTIONAL | Code string — OPTIONALIso code of the currency. | CurrencyId int32 — OPTIONAL | CurrencyRate double — OPTIONAL |
Vat double — OPTIONALThe vat percent for this product. Eg) 0.25 meaning 25% VAT. |
PrimaryImage string — OPTIONALThe filename of this products primary image. |
FreightClassId int32 — OPTIONAL |
IntrastatCode string — OPTIONALIntrastat code of the product. |
CountryOfOrigin string — OPTIONALCountry of orgin of product. |
VariantGroupId int32 — OPTIONALId of Variant Group to which the product is associated. |
VatId int32 — OPTIONAL |
ExternalId string — OPTIONALExternal Id of the product. |
ActivationDate date-time — OPTIONALActivation date for the product. |
Feeds object[] — OPTIONALThe feeds the product is a member of. FeedId int32 — OPTIONAL | AllowSale boolean — OPTIONALTrue if the feed is allowed to display the sale price of the product. |
Urls object[] — OPTIONALAll canonical urls for the product. Url string — OPTIONALThe canonical url to the product. | Market int32 — OPTIONAL | Countries string[] — OPTIONALThe countries or regions of the url. | Language string — OPTIONALThe language code of the url. |
MainCategoryId int32 — OPTIONALThe main category id for the product. |
RelatedProducts object[] — OPTIONALThe related products for the product. ProductId int32 — OPTIONALThe unique identifier for the product. | RelatedProductId int32 — OPTIONALThe unique identifier for the related product. | RelationTypeId int32 — OPTIONALThe product relation type id. |
DiscountCampaigns object[] — OPTIONALThe discount campaigns for the product. CampaignId uuid — OPTIONAL | CampaignName string — OPTIONAL | Title string — OPTIONALTitle that can be displayed for the product. | HideTitle boolean — OPTIONALIndicates if the title should be displayed. | RuleType string — OPTIONALType of discount rule. I.e. Percentage. | Category string — OPTIONALCampaign Category. Cart, PromoCode or Product. | Enabled boolean — OPTIONALtrue if campaign is enabled. | ValidFrom date-time — OPTIONAL | ValidTo date-time — OPTIONAL | Markets string — OPTIONALList of markets where the campaign is available in fthe format {domain|marketId}. | Action string — OPTIONAL | ActionValue string — OPTIONAL | Quantity int32 — OPTIONAL | Titles object[] — OPTIONALLanguageCode string — OPTIONAL | Content string — OPTIONAL |
| Urls object[] — OPTIONALLanguageCode string — OPTIONAL | Content string — OPTIONAL |
LowestPrice object[] — OPTIONALContains information about the lowest price during last 30 days and the legal comparison price (EU). LowestPrice double — OPTIONAL | ComparisonPrice double — OPTIONAL | MarketId int32 — OPTIONAL | Currency string — OPTIONAL |
SortOrder object — OPTIONALSort order values for a product. Default int32 — OPTIONALDefault sort value. Is usually calculated from the products availability date and cannot be set manually. | Custom1 int32 — OPTIONAL | Custom2 int32 — OPTIONAL | Custom3 int32 — OPTIONAL | Custom4 int32 — OPTIONAL | Custom5 int32 — OPTIONAL |
Weight int32 — OPTIONALThe weight of the product in grams (g). Can also be set on product item level. |
Length int32 — OPTIONALThe length of the product in millimeters (mm). Can also be set on product item level. |
Width int32 — OPTIONALThe width of the product in millimeters (mm). Can also be set on product item level. |
Height int32 — OPTIONALThe height of the product in millimeters (mm). Can also be set on product item level. |