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Query shipping options

Query shipping options

Request Body REQUIRED

The query to filter shipping options by.

SiteId int32

The site id the delivery options belong to.

CountryId int32

The country id where the order should be shipped to.

ShippingId int32

Geins shipping option id.

DeliveryOptionId uuid

nShift delivery option id.

Order object
OrderId string
ExternalOrderId string
CartId string
SessionId string
SiteId int32
Currency string
Status string
IpAddress string
Message string
InternalMessage string
Locale string
Rows object[]
Sku string
ProductId int32
ExternalId string
DiscountRate double
CartRowId int32
ProductContainerBuildId int32
Message string
ArticleNumber string
Gtin string
Brand string
Categories string[]
Name string
Variant string
Quantity int32
PriceIncVat double
PriceExVat double
ExpectedTotalPriceIncVat double
DiscountIncVat double
DiscountExVat double
ExpectedTotalDiscountIncVat double
ProductUrl string
ImageUrl string
Weight int32
Height int32
Width int32
Length int32
CampaignIds string[]
CampaignGroupData string
CampaignNames string[]
ProductPriceCampaignId int32
ProductPriceListId int32
ProductPackageId int32
ProductPackageName string
ProductPackageGroupId uuid
CheckoutUrls object
Redirect string
Checkout string
Terms string
CampaignId int32
CampaignCode string
CampaignName string
CampaignIds string[]
CampaignNames string[]
CustomerId int32
CustomerTypeId int32
Gender int32

Possible values: [0, 1, 2]

0 = Unknown
1 = Female
2 = Male

DateOfBirth date-time
PersonalId string
UserAgent string
MetaData object
MemberId int32
PaymentId int32
TransactionId string
SecondaryTransactionId string
Country string
Company string
OrganizationNumber string
FirstName string
LastName string
Email string
Address1 string
Address2 string
Zip string
City string
Region string
Phone string
MobilePhone string
CareOf string
ShippingId int32
ShippingCountry string
ShippingCompany string
ShippingOrganizationNumber string
ShippingFirstName string
ShippingLastName string
ShippingEmail string
ShippingAddress1 string
ShippingAddress2 string
ShippingZip string
ShippingCity string
ShippingRegion string
ShippingPhone string
ShippingMobilePhone string
ShippingCareOf string
PickupPoint string
DesiredDeliveryDate date-time
FreightClass object
Id int32
Type int32
Name string
TypeAsEnum int32

Possible values: [0, 1, 2]

0 = Normal
1 = All
2 = Any

FreeShippingLimit double
FreeShippingFromLimit boolean
FreeShippingFromCampaign boolean
Sum double
ExpectedSum double
OrderValueIncVat double
OrderValueExVat double
ItemValueIncVat double
ItemValueExVat double
DiscountIncVat double
DiscountExVat double
PercentDiscount int32
Balance double
ShippingFeeIncVat double
ShippingFeeExVat double
PaymentFeeIncVat double
PaymentFeeExVat double
MinimumFreeShippingLimit double

The cart sum limit for free shipping. Used for conditions in the delivery checkout portal.


A collection of shipping options matching the supplied query.

ExternalId string OPTIONAL
Name string OPTIONAL
Fee double OPTIONAL
Logo string OPTIONAL
ShippingData string OPTIONAL
Options object[] OPTIONAL
ExternalId string OPTIONAL
Name string OPTIONAL
Fee double OPTIONAL
Logo string OPTIONAL
ShippingData string OPTIONAL