Create product item
Creates a new product item.
Path Parameters |
productId string — REQUIREDThe id of the product to create an item on. |
Query Parameters |
productIdType int32Possible values: [ The type of product id supplied. |
Request Body — REQUIRED The product item to create. |
ItemId int32Id of the product item. |
ArticleNumber stringThe article number for the product item. |
Name stringThe name of the product item. |
Shelf stringThe shelf name where the product item can be found. |
Weight int32The weight of the item in grams (g). |
Length int32The length of the item in millimeters (mm). |
Width int32The width of the item in millimeters (mm). |
Height int32The height of the item in millimeters (mm). |
Gtin stringThe GTIN number for the item. |
Active booleanThe current state of the item. |
ExternalId stringExternal Id of the product item. |
DateIncoming date-timeThe date the item will be in stock again. |
Responses | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
200 The created product item.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
400 Bad request.