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Unlink related products (via relation).

Remove related products from a product using a fixed relation type.

Path Parameters
productId string REQUIRED

The id of the main product from which the relations will be removed.

relationTypeId int32 REQUIRED

The relation type id that will apply to all related products in relatedProducts.

Query Parameters
productIdType int32

Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3]

The type of product id supplied in productId and relatedProducts.
0 = Internal. Internal product id set by Geins.
Eg: 10001.
1 = ArticleNumber. Article number set by customer.
Eg: ABC123.
2 = MarketPrefixedInternal. Internal product id set by Geins, prefixed with market.
Eg: SE10001.
3 = MarketPrefixedArticleNumber. Article number set by customer, prefixed with market.
Eg: SEABC123.

Request Body REQUIRED

The list of related products to unlink from the main product.

RelatedProductId string

The unique identifier for the related product.

RelationTypeId int32

The product relation type id.


The result of the update.

Message string OPTIONAL

Information about the outcome of the request.

Invalid object[] OPTIONAL

Supplied relatedProducts that failed validation.

RelatedProductId string OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the related product.

RelationTypeId int32 OPTIONAL

The product relation type id.

NotFound object[] OPTIONAL

Supplied relatedProducts that were technically valid, but couldn't be found.

RelatedProductId string OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the related product.

RelationTypeId int32 OPTIONAL

The product relation type id.

UpdateCount int32 OPTIONAL

Number of related product updates resulting from the request.


Bad request.

Message string OPTIONAL

Information about the outcome of the request.

Invalid object[] OPTIONAL

Supplied relatedProducts that failed validation.

RelatedProductId string OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the related product.

RelationTypeId int32 OPTIONAL

The product relation type id.

NotFound object[] OPTIONAL

Supplied relatedProducts that were technically valid, but couldn't be found.

RelatedProductId string OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the related product.

RelationTypeId int32 OPTIONAL

The product relation type id.

UpdateCount int32 OPTIONAL

Number of related product updates resulting from the request.