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All functionality for the checkout Data: debug: false cartLoading: false checkoutLoading: false checkout: {} desiredDeliveryDate: null message: '' pickupPoint: '', externalShippingId: '', udcValid: false udcDataSet: false paymentId: vm.$config.defaultPaymentId updateDelay: 150updateTimeout:nullactiveElement:nullframeLoading:falseforceExternalCheckoutReset:falsemarkets:[]`


emitGTMEventGTM event emitter-
createOrUpdateCheckoutHandling the api call for creating an updating the checkout session-
updateCartUpdating the cart if the cart is different from the existing cartcart (Object)
updateCheckoutDataUpdating the checkout data received from Carismar Checkoutdata (Object)
placeOrderPlacing the order and redirecting to confirm page if completed-
initUDCInitialize UDCzip (String)
setUDCdataUDC callback handlerdata (Object)
paymentSelectionHandlerHandling the payment selectionpayment id (Number)
shippingSelectionHandlerHandling the shipping selectionshipping id (Number)
getMarketsGet the markets for the storefront from the channelId taken from nuxt.config on the storefront under '@nuxtjs/i18n'channel id (string)


ComputedTypeDescriptionFrom Store
acceptedConsentsArrayA list of accepted consentsNo
checkoutInputObjectThe checkout input object prepared for the APINo
orderMessageStringThis is the message that gets sent to the api. Override this if more than just the user inputted message should go in thereNo
currentZipStringThe current billing zipNo
hasPaymentOptionsBooleanIs there more than one payment option?No
selectedPaymentOptionObjectThe selected payment optionNo
paymentTypeStringThe current payment typeNo

