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Events are a powerful way to track user interactions with your storefront. You can subscribe to events and send them to your analytics provider or use them to trigger other actions.

What are events?

Events are emitted by Ralph UI components and can be subscribed to in your application. The event system is built on top of store modules and uses Vuex to manage state.

When extending Ralph UI components, you can emit events from your component and subscribe to them in your application.

How to use events

To subscribe to events you simply use the subscribe method from the events store module. The subscribe method takes two arguments: event and callback. The event argument is the name of the event you want to subscribe to and the callback argument is the function that will be called when the event is emitted.


// Subscribe to the cart:add event
this.$store.subscribe((mutation, state) => {
if (mutation.type === 'events/push') {
const eventType = mutation.payload.type
const eventData =
// Do something with the data
if (eventType === 'cart:add') {
log('Cart add event received', eventData)
log('Current state', state)

Events list

List of all events that are emitted by Ralph UI components.

widgetclick{ href }
menuclick{ item }
searchclick{ type, data }
cartadd{ item, product }
cartremove{ item, product }
pageimpression{ route }
productclick{ product, page, index, pageSize }
productimpression{ product, page }
product-detailimpression{ product }
favoriteadd{ productId, product }
favoriteremove{ productId, product }
checkoutupdate{ checkout }
checkoutpurchase{ order }
userpassword-reset{ email, resetKey }
newslettersubscribe{ email }