Configuration for your launchpad
In short; everything is set up for you. You can start building your store right away. This launchpad also comes with a test drive payment gateway and a freight checkout. This means that you can test your store right out-the-box without having to set up a payment gateway or freight provider.
General setup
Environment variables
In the root of the project, you will find an .env.example
file. This file contains all the environment variables that are needed for the project to run.
If you want to run your store with a multi market setup (with /market/language
in the url), then just remove the DOMAINS
variable and your site will default to multi market.
Variable | Description | Required | Example value |
API_ENDPOINT | The API endpoint for your Geins Merchant API | Yes | |
API_KEY | Your Geins Merchant API key | Yes | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
AUTH_ENDPOINT | The auth endpoint for your Geins Merchant API | Yes | |
SIGN_ENDPOINT | The sign endpoint for your Geins Merchant API | Yes | |
BASE_URL | The base URL for your store including http/https without ending slash | Yes | |
FALLBACK_CHANNEL_ID | The fallback channel ID for your store | Yes | 1ǀse |
FALLBACK_MARKET_ALIAS | The fallback market alias for your store | Yes | se |
DEFAULT_LOCALE | The default locale for your store | Yes | sv |
RALPH_ENV | The environment for your store (dev, qa or prod) | No | dev |
DOMAINS | The domains for your store (if you want to use different domains for different languages/markets) | No | svǀ,fiǀ |
If you only have one market, your DOMAINS variable should look like this: DOMAINS=sv|
. For your local dev environment the equivalent would be DOMAINS=sv|localhost:3000
Nuxt config
In the Nuxt config file nuxt.config.js
you can set up most things, for example routes configuration and your runtime config (global variables that are accessed through the $config
object). Please refer to the Nuxt Configuration Glossary for more information. We will dive deeper into our Nuxt config setup further down this page.
Channel settings
You will find some channel settings in config/channel-settings.js
. This is a good place to set up and add variables that differs between channels. All variables added to the theme
property will get converted into global CSS variables and can be used throughout the application. The channel settings are imported into the Nuxt config file as currentChannelSettings
and can be used for setup there. This below is the default setup for the channel settings.
export const channelSettings = [
channelId: '1|se',
siteName: 'Ralph Storefront', // Change this to the name of your store
theme: {
'accent-color': '#131313', // Change this to yours
// Add more theme variables here if you like
Design setup
Add your desired logos and fonts etc to the assets
folder. In the static
folder, you should replace the favicon.ico
, icon.png
and the meta-image-fallback.jpg
with your own. Here is also where you can add assets for your Geins generated emails, in the static/mail
By default, the project comes with a set of icons from Feather Icons in the assets/icons
folder. You can use these icons throughout the application, for example by using the CaIcon
component. You can also add your own icons to this folder. To decrease the size of the site bundle, only the icons that are actively used in the project are included in the assets/icons
folder. The rest of the icons you can find in the assets library
folder in the root of the project.
In the styles
folder, you'll find all the styles for the application. For the general setup, it is suggested to look through and adjust the files in the styles/variables
folder, and also the styles/global
and the styles/helpers
All styles are written in SASS, and the styles are structured according to the BEM methodology.
Image sizes
To understand how to configure image sizes you will first need to have knowledge of how to work with the HTML img elements' sizes
and srcset
attributes. If you are not familiar with these attributes, you can read more about them here.
By default your project comes with a bunch of already configured image sizes. Most often you will not even have to change anything and can just roll with the pre-configured sizes.
If you do want to change for example the aspect ratio of your product images or add/remove image sizes, read more further down where we get more into detail about image sizes.
Here follows a guide on the most important parts of the nuxt.config.js
Internationalization (i18n
In the i18n
object, you can set up the internationalization settings for the project.
By default, the project comes with English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish. If you are not gonna use all of these languages, you should remove the ones you're not using from the locales
array. If you want to add another language, add it to the array and create a new file in the languages
folder with the same name as the language code.
return {
i18n: {
locales: [
code: 'en',
iso: 'en-US',
file: 'en-US.js',
name: 'English',
// Only used if you have multiple markets on DIFFERENT domains (using the DOMAINS env variable)
domain: domainUrls?.en || '',
In the pages
object of the i18n
object, you can name your routes that you want translated. The key is the name of the route and the value is the translation key.
return {
i18n: {
pages: {
'checkout/index': {
en: '/checkout',
sv: '/kassan',
The default setup comes with a bunch of translated routes for all the languages. You can remove the ones you're not gonna use.
PWA settings & loading bar
The PWA settings are used to configure the PWA. You can change the name, description and theme color of the PWA. This gives your store the look and feel of your brand. By default this is set from what your channel settings, but you can change it here if you like.
return {
// Loading bar color
loading: {
color: currentChannelSettings.theme['accent-color'],
height: '5px',
// PWA settings
pwa: {
manifest: {
name: currentChannelSettings.siteName,
short_name: currentChannelSettings.siteName,
description: fallbackMeta.description,
theme_color: currentChannelSettings.theme['accent-color'],
Router settings
The router settings are used to configure your routes. This launchpad comes with all the routes you need to get started. Although, you might need to add some own custom routes for your project, and this is where you do it.
return {
router: {
extendRoutes(routes, resolve) {
name: 'my-custom-page',
path: '/my-custom-path',
component: resolve(__dirname, 'pages/custom/my-page.vue'),
Runtime config (publicRuntimeConfig
The runtime config is used to set up global variables that can be accessed throughout the application. This is where you set up the most important settings for your store.
Global settings
Setting | Description | Default value | Type |
ralphLog | Settings for when to debug log different messages to the console | { onlyInClient: true, all: ralphEnv === 'dev', api: false, events: false, checkout: false, warnings: false } | Object |
ralphEnv | The environment for your store, by default not used by anything apart from setting ralphLog , but could be useful | process.env.RALPH_ENV or prod | String |
baseUrl | The base URL for your store including https:// and without ending slash | process.env.BASE_URL | String |
imageServer | The image server url | process.env.IMAGE_SERVER | String |
authEndpoint | The auth endpoint url | process.env.AUTH_ENDPOINT | String |
signEndpoint | The sign endpoint url | process.env.SIGN_ENDPOINT.replace('{API_KEY}', process.env.API_KEY) | String |
apiKey | The API key for your store | process.env.API_KEY | String |
apiEndpoint | The API endpoint for your store | process.env.API_ENDPOINT | String |
fallbackChannelId | The fallback channel ID for your store | process.env.FALLBACK_CHANNEL_ID | String |
fallbackMarketAlias | The fallback market alias for your store | process.env.FALLBACK_MARKET_ALIAS | String |
currentChannelSettings | The settings from config/channel-settings.js with the same id as fallbackChannelId | - | Object |
channelSettings | All channel settings from config/channel-settings.js | - | Array |
fallbackMarkets | All available markets fetched in config/fallback-data.js | - | Array |
imageSizes | All available image sizes parsed in config/image-sizes.js | - | Array |
useStartPage | NOTE! This has been removed from v23.0.0. Set this to true if you want to create a start page for selecting market/language in a multi market setup | false | Boolean |
customerServiceEmail | The email for customer service | | String |
customerServicePhone | The phone number for customer service | +46 123 23 43 45 | String |
breakpoints | The breakpoints you want to use for your store | { tablet: 768, laptop: 1024, desktop: 1200, desktopBig: 1440 } | Object |
siteTopThreshold | The threshold in pixels for when siteIsAtTop getter should be true | 10 | Number |
socialMediaLinks | The social media links for your store, can for example be used to render social media icons for the footer | [{ icon: 'facebook', title: 'Facebook', link: '' }, { icon: 'instagram', title: 'Instagram', link: '' }] | Array |
customerTypesToggle | Set to true if you want to use the customer types feature | true | Boolean |
customerTypes | The customer types you want to use | [{ type: 'PERSON', vat: true }, { type: 'ORGANIZATION', vat: false }] | Array |
routePaths | The route paths setup in config/route-paths.js | {category: '/c', brand: '/b', product: '/p', search: '/s', discountCampaign: '/dc', list: '/l'} | Object |
statesToPersist | The states of the store that you want to persist when page reloades. These states will be saved in a cookie called ralph-persisted-states | ['favorites', 'customerType', 'vatIncluded', 'list/relocateAlias', 'list/relocatePage'] | Array |
searchProductsImageSizes | The image sizes attribute to use for the search products | 35px | String |
CMS / Widget settings
Setting | Description | Default value | Type |
bannerWidgetPrimaryColor | The primary color for the banner widget | #000000 | String |
bannerWidgetSecondaryColor | The secondary color for the banner widget | #FFFFFF | String |
productListWidgetArrowIconName | The name of the icon to use for the arrow in the product list widget | chevron | String |
productListRowSize | The default number of products per row in the product list widget | 5 | Number |
widgetImageSizes | The images sizes attribute for the different column sizes | { full: '(min-width: 1920px) 1920px, 97vw', half: '(min-width: 1920px) 950px, (min-width: 768px) 48vw, 97vw', third: '(min-width: 1920px) 627px, (min-width: 768px) 32vw, 97vw', quarter: '(min-width: 1920px) 465px, (min-width: 768px) 24vw, 97vw', } | Object |
widgetImageSizesFullWidth | The images sizes attribute for the different column sizes when the widget area container is set to full width | { full: '100vw', half: '(min-width: 768px) 49vw, 100vw', third: '(min-width: 768px) 33vw, 100vw', quarter: '(min-width: 768px) 24vw, 100vw' } | Object |
Product lists
Setting | Description | Default value | Type |
productListDefaultSort | The default sorting for product lists | LATEST | String |
productListPageSize | The default page size for product lists | 20 | Number |
productListScrollSize | The number of products to scroll at a time when using the CaProductListSlider | { phone: 2, tablet: 3, laptop: 5, desktop: 5, desktopBig: 6 } | Object |
showCategoryFilter | Set to true if you want to show the category filter | true | Boolean |
showCategoryTreeViewFilter | Set to true if you want to show the category filter as a tree view | true | Boolean |
showBrandsFilter | Set to true if you want to show the brands filter | true | Boolean |
showSkuFilter | Set to true if you want to show the SKU filter | true | Boolean |
showPriceFilter | Set to true if you want to show the price filter | true | Boolean |
showDiscountFilter | Set to true if you want to show the discount filter | true | Boolean |
customSortRoutes | Use this to override productListDefaultSort for specific routes. Use the name of the route as name . Example: [{name: 'bestsellers', sort: 'MOST_SOLD'}] | [] | Array |
productCardBuyButton | Set to true if you want to show the buy button on the product card in product lists | false | Boolean |
Setting | Description | Default value | Type |
productImageRatio | The ratio for the product images. This is by default set in the config/image-sizes.json file | 1.25 | Number |
productStockFewLeftLimit | The few left limit for stock to use in stock status | 6 | Number |
productSchemaOptions | The options for the product schema, make sure to change the schemaImageSize to an existing size of your site | { productSkuLabelIsSize: false, productDescriptionField: 'text1', schemaImageSize: '1000f1250', extraOfferProperties: { itemCondition: '' } } | Object |
productShowRelated | Set to true if you want to fetch and show related products on product detail page | false | Boolean |
showProductReviewSection | Set to true if you want to show the product review section on the product detail page | false | Boolean |
showStarsInProductReviewForm | Set to true if you want to show the stars in the product review form | true | Boolean |
preLoadedProductImageSizes | The image sizes to preload for the product detail page | ['1000f1250'] | Array |
Setting | Description | Default value | Type |
checkout.promoCodes | Accept promo codes on checkout | true | Boolean |
checkout.shippingAddress | Add option to add separate shipping address when using CaCheckoutInvoice | true | Boolean |
checkout.identityNumber | Add option to add identity number when using CaCheckoutInvoice | true | Boolean |
checkout.entryCode | Add option to add entry code when using CaCheckoutInvoice | true | Boolean |
checkout.message | Add option to add message when using CaCheckoutInvoice | true | Boolean |
checkout.defaultPaymentId | The default payment method id | 23 | Number |
checkout.defaultShippingId | The default shipping method id, needs to be set when useInternalShipping is set to true | null | Number |
checkout.showMultipleMarkets | Set to true if you want to show the country selector step in checkout | true | Boolean |
checkout.useInternalShipping | Set to true if you want to use the internal shipping method | false | Boolean |
Setting | Description | Default value | Type |
cart.hiddenSkuValues | Dont show selected value for sku with these values in cart | ['-', 'One size'] | Array |
cart.quantityChangerType | Quantity changer type for items in cart. Options: default , round , stacked | default | String |
cart.productImageSizes | The image sizes attribute for the products in the cart | (min-width: 768px) 80px, 53px | String |
Setting | Description | Default value | Type |
user.gender | Show user gender picker in 'my accounts' settings | false | Boolean | | Show user country picker in 'my accounts' settings | false | Boolean |
Getting more into detail
Customer types
If you want to use the customer types feature, you need to enable it and add the customer types. You can also enable or disable the VAT field for each customer type. Add the types you want to use according to set up in merchant center.
This feature is powerful and can be used to create different customer groups. For example, you can create a customer type for wholesale customers
and a customer type for retail customers
. You can then use this feature to create different prices for each customer type.
return {
publicRuntimeConfig: {
customerTypesToggle: true,
customerTypes: [
type: 'Retail',
vat: true
type: 'Wholesale',
vat: false
Image sizes
There are two parts of the image sizes set up. First, we need to provide a range of image sizes to feed the srcset
attributes of all images. Then, we need to specify the sizes
attributes for all the different places where images appears.
In the config/image-sizes.json
file (since Ralph Storefront v2.5.0+), you can set up what type of images you want to be available to use. When this is set up, you can use the npm run ralph-image-sizes
to generate the config/image-sizes.csv
file. This generated csv file is formatted to be imported into the image size table, which is used by our image scaling service.
During the build of the storefront, the csv file will be parsed and all available image sizes will be saved to the $config.imageSizes
object, where the keys will be the type of image. So to feed a CaImage
component with the available image sizes for a product, you can use the $config.imageSizes.product
array in the sizeArray
prop and the component will generate the full srcset
attribute for you.
When you have provided all available image sizes for the srcset
attributes, you can set up the sizes
attribute for all the different places where images appears. This is done differently depending on what image you want to specify sizes
If you're straight up using the CaImage
component, you can use the sizes
prop to specify the sizes string for the image. For the CaProductGallery
they are set in mainImagSizes
and thumbnailImageSizes
props. For the CMS you can set all sizes
attributes for different column widths in the widgetImageSizes
object in the runtime config.
return {
publicRuntimeConfig: {
widgetImageSizes: {
full: '(min-width: 1920px) 1920px, 97vw',
half: '(min-width: 1920px) 950px, (min-width: 768px) 48vw, 97vw',
third: '(min-width: 1920px) 627px, (min-width: 768px) 32vw, 97vw',
quarter: '(min-width: 1920px) 465px, (min-width: 768px) 24vw, 97vw',
Image types
The type / folder is used in tha CaImage
property type
and as the key in the $config.imageSizes
object. The name is used in the config/image-sizes.json
Name | Type / Folder | Description |
product | product | Product images |
cms | pagewidget | CMS images |
category | categoryheader | Category images (Deprecated) |
brand | brand | Brand images (Deprecated) |
Using config/image-sizes.json
This file consists of an array of objects where each object represents an image type and sizing instructions. You can add more than one object with the same type.
The settings below will set up product image sizes from the width of 100px to 2000px with an aspect ratio of 4:5. This will give you a set of images like 100x125px, 200x250px, 300x375px and so on.
For the CMS images, it is set to scale an image on every 100 pixels from 100px to 1000px and then every 500 pixels from 1500px to 4000px with the original aspect ratio. This will result in images with widths like 100px, 200px, 300px and so on for the first set and 1500px, 2000px, 2500px and so on for the second set.
"imageSizes": [
"type": "product",
"aspectRatio": "4:5",
"startWidth": 100,
"endWidth": 2000,
"resizeFunction": "f",
"incrementStep": 100
"type": "cms",
"aspectRatio": "",
"startWidth": 100,
"endWidth": 1000,
"resizeFunction": "w",
"incrementStep": 100
"type": "cms",
"aspectRatio": "",
"startWidth": 1500,
"endWidth": 4000,
"resizeFunction": "w",
"incrementStep": 500
Here follows a detailed description of the properties of the objects in the config/image-sizes.json
Property | Description | Type |
type | Provide the "Name" from the image type table above | String |
aspectRatio | The aspect ratio of the image. If you want to keep the original aspect ratio, leave this empty. Must be in format "0:0" | String |
startWidth | The smallest width you want the image to be resized to in pixels | Number |
endWidth | The largest width you want the image to be resized to in pixels | Number |
resizeFunction | The function to use for resizing. f is used to not crop but fill with white, c is used to crop from center, x is used to crop from top and w is used to only resize width, keeping the relative height | String |
incrementStep | The step to increment the image width with on each row | Number |
When you have set up the config/image-sizes.json
file, you can run the npm run ralph-image-sizes
command to generate the config/image-sizes.csv
Next step: Working with Components
Now that you have set up your configuration, you can start working with the components in your store. Head over to the Components section to learn more about the components in this launchpad.