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Update variant

Updates the variant details for the product with the provided id.

Path Parameters
productId string REQUIRED

The id of the product for which to update the variant details.

Query Parameters
productIdType int32

Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3]

The type of product id supplied.
0 = Internal. Internal product id set by Geins.
Eg: 10001.
1 = ArticleNumber. Article number set by customer.
Eg: ABC123.
2 = MarketPrefixedInternal. Internal product id set by Geins, prefixed with market.
Eg: SE10001.
3 = MarketPrefixedArticleNumber. Article number set by customer, prefixed with market.
Eg: SEABC123.

Request Body REQUIRED

The variant details.

Label string

The name of the variant, eg "Color", "Weight" etc.

Value string

The value of this variant, eg "Blue", "250g" etc.


A collection of current variants for the targeted product.

Resource object[] OPTIONAL

The resource on which the action was taken.

ProductId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the product this variant information belongs to.

GroupId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the group this variant belongs to.

Label string OPTIONAL

The name of the variant information, eg "Weight", "Length" etc.

Value string OPTIONAL

The value of the variant information, eg "250g", "89cm" etc.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.