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Add product to variant group

Adds a product to an existing variant group.

Path Parameters
groupId int32 REQUIRED

The id of the variant group to which a product should be added.

productId string REQUIRED

The id of the product to be added to the target variant group.

Query Parameters
productIdType int32

Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3]

The type of product id supplied.
0 = Internal. Internal product id set by Geins.
Eg: 10001.
1 = ArticleNumber. Article number set by customer.
Eg: ABC123.
2 = MarketPrefixedInternal. Internal product id set by Geins, prefixed with market.
Eg: SE10001.
3 = MarketPrefixedArticleNumber. Article number set by customer, prefixed with market.
Eg: SEABC123.

include string

Comma separated list of product child collections to also include with the variant group.
Set to empty string to only include basic product data or null to not include any product data.
Valid options:
Names, ShortTexts, LongTexts, TechTexts, Items, Prices, Categories, Parameters, Variants, Markets, Images, Feeds, Urls, ShippingFees, RelatedProducts, DiscountCampaigns

Request Body REQUIRED

The variant details.

Label string

The name of the variant, eg "Color", "Weight" etc.

Value string

The value of this variant, eg "Blue", "250g" etc.


The updated variant group.

Resource object OPTIONAL

A variant group for a collection of related variants.

GroupId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of variant goup.

Name string OPTIONAL

The optional internal name of the variant group.

CollapseInLists boolean OPTIONAL

Determine visibility of non-main products of this group in lists.

MainProductId int32 OPTIONAL

The main product of this group. If the group is collapsed in lists, this will be the only visible product.

ProductIds int32[] OPTIONAL

The product ids of the variants that belong to this group.

Products object[] OPTIONAL

Products belonging to the Variant group. Only included when parameter "include" is supplied in the query string.

ProductId int32 OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the product.

ArticleNumber string OPTIONAL

The article number of the product.

Names object[] OPTIONAL

The localized names of the product.

LanguageCode string OPTIONAL
Content string OPTIONAL

The localized content.

DateCreated date-time OPTIONAL

The date the product was created.

DateUpdated date-time OPTIONAL

The date the product was last updated.

DateFirstAvailable date-time OPTIONAL

The date the product was first available.

MaxDiscountPercentage int32 OPTIONAL

Maximum discount percentage for the product.

Active boolean OPTIONAL

The current state of the product.

PurchasePrice double OPTIONAL

The purchase price in the currency defined in PurchasePriceCurrency.

PurchasePriceCurrency string OPTIONAL

The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the amount given in PurchasePrice.

ShortTexts object[] OPTIONAL

Localized short texts for the product.

LanguageCode string OPTIONAL
Content string OPTIONAL

The localized content.

LongTexts object[] OPTIONAL

Localized long texts for the product.

LanguageCode string OPTIONAL
Content string OPTIONAL

The localized content.

TechTexts object[] OPTIONAL

Localized tech texts for the product.

LanguageCode string OPTIONAL
Content string OPTIONAL

The localized content.

Items object[] OPTIONAL

The items belonging to the product.

ItemId int32 OPTIONAL

The product item id.

ArticleNumber string OPTIONAL

The article number for the product item.

ProductId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the product that the item belongs to.

Name string OPTIONAL

The name of the product item.

Shelf string OPTIONAL

The shelf name where the product item can be found.

Weight int32 OPTIONAL

The weight of the item in grams (g).

Length int32 OPTIONAL

The length of the item in millimeters (mm).

Width int32 OPTIONAL

The width of the item in millimeters (mm).

Height int32 OPTIONAL

The height of the item in millimeters (mm).

Gtin string OPTIONAL

The GTIN number for the item.
Also known as EAN, UCC or UPS number.

DateCreated date-time OPTIONAL

The date the item was created.

DateUpdated date-time OPTIONAL

The date the item was last updated.

DateIncoming date-time OPTIONAL

The date the item will be in stock again.

Active boolean OPTIONAL

The current state of the item.

ExternalId string OPTIONAL

External Id of the product item.

Stock object OPTIONAL

A stock value for a product item

ItemId int32 OPTIONAL

A value to uniquely identity a single product item.

Stock int32 OPTIONAL

The physical stock value.

StockOversellable int32 OPTIONAL

The oversellable stock value.

StockStatic int32 OPTIONAL

The static stock value.

StockSellable int32 OPTIONAL

The sellable stock value.

ShippingFees object[] OPTIONAL

The lowest shipping fees for each market and country for the product item.

Market int32 OPTIONAL

The market that the shipping fee is applicable on.

Country string OPTIONAL

The country that the shipping fee is applicable in.

Service string OPTIONAL

The shipping service with the current fee.

ServiceId int32 OPTIONAL

The shipping service id with the current fee.

Fee double OPTIONAL

The shipping fee.

Prices object[] OPTIONAL

The current prices of the product.

ProductId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the product that this price applies to.

PriceListId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the price list that this price is associated with.

PriceListName string OPTIONAL

The name of the price list that this price is associated with.

PriceIncVat double OPTIONAL

The price, inc VAT, in the currency of the associated price list.

PriceExVat double OPTIONAL

The price, ex VAT, in the currency of the associated price list.

VatRate double OPTIONAL

The VAT Rate.

Country string OPTIONAL

The 2-letter ISO country code for this price.

Currency string OPTIONAL
StaggeredCount int32 OPTIONAL

Staggered count for this price. Defaults to 1.
This field is ignored for prices on default (Ordinary, Sale and Campaign) price lists.

ValidFrom date-time OPTIONAL

The date the price is valid from.
No start boundary if null.

ValidTo date-time OPTIONAL

The date the price is valid to.
No end boundary if null.

Categories object[] OPTIONAL

The categories the product belongs to.

CategoryId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the category.

ParentCategoryId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the parent category. If the category is at the root level, this field will be 0.

Names object[] OPTIONAL

The localizable names of the category.

LanguageCode string OPTIONAL
Content string OPTIONAL

The localized content.

Descriptions object[] OPTIONAL

The localized descriptions of the category.

LanguageCode string OPTIONAL
Content string OPTIONAL

The localized content.

SecondaryDescriptions object[] OPTIONAL

The localized secondary descriptions of the category.

LanguageCode string OPTIONAL
Content string OPTIONAL

The localized content.

Meta object OPTIONAL

Meta information for a category.

Descriptions object[] OPTIONAL

The localized meta descriptions of the category.

LanguageCode string OPTIONAL
Content string OPTIONAL

The localized content.

Keywords object[] OPTIONAL

The localized meta keywords of the category.

LanguageCode string OPTIONAL
Content string OPTIONAL

The localized content.

Titles object[] OPTIONAL

The localized meta titles of the category.

LanguageCode string OPTIONAL
Content string OPTIONAL

The localized content.

GoogleCategoryPath string OPTIONAL

The Google Taxonomy category path for the category, if any.

Hidden boolean OPTIONAL

Indicates if the category should be hidden from menus, filters etc.

Active boolean OPTIONAL

True if the category is active for use.

Images object[] OPTIONAL

The images for the product

ProductId int32 OPTIONAL
Url string OPTIONAL

Url of Image.

Order int32 OPTIONAL

Order of image (ascending). First image is the main image for the product.

Tags string[] OPTIONAL

The tags associated with this image.

BrandId int32 OPTIONAL

The brand id of the product.

BrandName string OPTIONAL

The brand name of the product.

SupplierId int32 OPTIONAL

The supplier id of the product.

SupplierName string OPTIONAL

The supplier name of the product.

ParameterValues object[] OPTIONAL

The parameter values associated with the product.

ParameterValueId int32 OPTIONAL

The unique identifier of this parameter value.

ProductId int32 OPTIONAL

The product id of the parameter.

ParameterId int32 OPTIONAL

The unique identifier of the parameter that this value belongs to.

ParameterName string OPTIONAL

The non-localized name of the parameter.

GroupId int32 OPTIONAL

The unique identifier of the group that this parameter belongs to.

GroupName string OPTIONAL

The name of the group that this parameter belongs to.

ParameterType int32 OPTIONAL

Possible values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

The type of parameter.
The Value field must validate against this type.
1 = String. Any string value.
2 = Float. Any floating point number.
Period as decimal separator and no thousands separator.
Eg: 10001.789.
3 = DateTime. Any ISO 8601 date.
Eg: 2017-03-06T16:31:24+02:00.
4 = Multi. A string value from a predefined set of values.
This type may occur multiple times for the same parameter.
5 = Single. A string value from a predefined set of values.
6 = Headline. A string value used mainly for grouping in layout.
7 = Tags. A pipe-separated list of product specific values.
Eg: red|green|blue.

Value string OPTIONAL

The identifying value of the parameter.
Although always presented as a string, the data within Value must validate against the type of the parameter:
String = Any string.
Float = Any floating point number.
DateTime = Any date.
Multi = Any predefined value id from the predefined set of values for this parameter.
Single = Any predefined value id from the predefined set of values for this parameter.
Headline = Any string.

Description string OPTIONAL

The non-localized description of the parameter.
This is usually the same value as Value for all parameter types, except Single Multi.

LocalizedDescriptions object[] OPTIONAL

The localized descriptions of the parameter.
Not used for parameter types Float or DateTime.

LanguageCode string OPTIONAL
Content string OPTIONAL

The localized content.

InternalIdentifier string OPTIONAL

The internal identifier of the parameter.

Order string OPTIONAL

Value indicating order of the parameter value. The value takes the order of the parameter into account. Formula: (ParameterOrder * 10000) + ParameterValueOrder.

Variants object[] OPTIONAL

The variants for this product.

ProductId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the product this variant information belongs to.

GroupId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the group this variant belongs to.

Label string OPTIONAL

The name of the variant information, eg "Weight", "Length" etc.

Value string OPTIONAL

The value of the variant information, eg "250g", "89cm" etc.

Markets object[] OPTIONAL

The markets for this product


Market id.

ChannelId string OPTIONAL

Channel id. Format: {Íd}|{MarketTopDomain}

Name string OPTIONAL

Market Name.

DisplayName string OPTIONAL

Market display name.

Url string OPTIONAL

Market url.

Currency string OPTIONAL

Default currency iso code of the market.

VatRate double OPTIONAL

Default VAT Rate of the market.

MarketPrefix string OPTIONAL

Market prefix. Usually the top level domain of the market.

CountryId int32 OPTIONAL

Default country Id of the market.

CurrencyId int32 OPTIONAL

Default currency Id of the market.

CurrencyRate double OPTIONAL

Currency rate of the default currency.

LanguageId int32 OPTIONAL

Default language Id of the market.

Language string OPTIONAL

Default language iso code of the market.

Languages object[] OPTIONAL

All languages of the market.

LanguageId int32 OPTIONAL

Language id.

Name string OPTIONAL

Language Name

Code string OPTIONAL

ISO code of the language.

Countries object[] OPTIONAL

All countries of the market.

CountryId int32 OPTIONAL

Country id.

Name string OPTIONAL

Country Name

Code string OPTIONAL

ISO code of the country.

VatRate double OPTIONAL

VAT Rate of the country.

CurrencyId int32 OPTIONAL

Currency id of the country.

Currencies object[] OPTIONAL

All currencies of the market.

Name string OPTIONAL

Currency Name.

Code string OPTIONAL

Iso code of the currency.

CurrencyId int32 OPTIONAL

Currency id.

CurrencyRate double OPTIONAL

Currency rate.

Vat double OPTIONAL

The vat percent for this product. Eg) 0.25 meaning 25% VAT.

PrimaryImage string OPTIONAL

The filename of this products primary image.

FreightClassId int32 OPTIONAL

Id of freight class.

IntrastatCode string OPTIONAL

Intrastat code of the product.

CountryOfOrigin string OPTIONAL

Country of orgin of product.

VariantGroupId int32 OPTIONAL

Id of Variant Group to which the product is associated.

VatId int32 OPTIONAL

Id of VAT.

ExternalId string OPTIONAL

External Id of the product.

ActivationDate date-time OPTIONAL

Activation date for the product.

Feeds object[] OPTIONAL

The feeds the product is a member of.

FeedId int32 OPTIONAL

The feed id.

AllowSale boolean OPTIONAL

True if the feed is allowed to display the sale price of the product.

Urls object[] OPTIONAL

All canonical urls for the product.

Url string OPTIONAL

The canonical url to the product.

Market int32 OPTIONAL

The market of the url.

Countries string[] OPTIONAL

The countries or regions of the url.

Language string OPTIONAL

The language code of the url.

MainCategoryId int32 OPTIONAL

The main category id for the product.

RelatedProducts object[] OPTIONAL

The related products for the product.

ProductId int32 OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the product.

RelatedProductId int32 OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the related product.

RelationTypeId int32 OPTIONAL

The product relation type id.

DiscountCampaigns object[] OPTIONAL

The discount campaigns for the product.

CampaignId uuid OPTIONAL

Id of Campaign.

CampaignName string OPTIONAL

Name of Campaign.

Title string OPTIONAL

Title that can be displayed for the product.

HideTitle boolean OPTIONAL

Indicates if the title should be displayed.

RuleType string OPTIONAL

Type of discount rule. I.e. Percentage.

Category string OPTIONAL

Campaign Category. Cart, PromoCode or Product.

Enabled boolean OPTIONAL

true if campaign is enabled.

ValidFrom date-time OPTIONAL

Valid from.

ValidTo date-time OPTIONAL

Valid to.

Markets string OPTIONAL

List of markets where the campaign is available in fthe format {domain|marketId}.

Action string OPTIONAL
ActionValue string OPTIONAL
Quantity int32 OPTIONAL
Titles object[] OPTIONAL
LanguageCode string OPTIONAL
Content string OPTIONAL

The localized content.

Urls object[] OPTIONAL
LanguageCode string OPTIONAL
Content string OPTIONAL

The localized content.

LowestPrice object[] OPTIONAL

Contains information about the lowest price during last 30 days and the legal comparison price (EU).

LowestPrice double OPTIONAL
ComparisonPrice double OPTIONAL
MarketId int32 OPTIONAL
Currency string OPTIONAL
SortOrder object OPTIONAL

Sort order values for a product.

Default int32 OPTIONAL

Default sort value. Is usually calculated from the products availability date and cannot be set manually.

Custom1 int32 OPTIONAL

Custom sort value 1.

Custom2 int32 OPTIONAL

Custom sort value 2.

Custom3 int32 OPTIONAL

Custom sort value 3.

Custom4 int32 OPTIONAL

Custom sort value 4.

Custom5 int32 OPTIONAL

Custom sort value 5.

Weight int32 OPTIONAL

The weight of the product in grams (g). Can also be set on product item level.

Length int32 OPTIONAL

The length of the product in millimeters (mm). Can also be set on product item level.

Width int32 OPTIONAL

The width of the product in millimeters (mm). Can also be set on product item level.

Height int32 OPTIONAL

The height of the product in millimeters (mm). Can also be set on product item level.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.