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List returns

Get all returns on an order.

Path Parameters
orderId int32 REQUIRED

The order id.


A collection of the returns on the given order.

Resource object[] OPTIONAL

The resource on which the action was taken.

ReturnId int32 OPTIONAL
OrderId int32 OPTIONAL
CreatedOn date-time OPTIONAL

The date the return was created.

ReturnRows object[] OPTIONAL

List of return rows belonging to this return.

ReturnId int32 OPTIONAL

The return id that this return row belongs to.

ReturnRowId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of this return row.

OrderRowId int32 OPTIONAL

The order row is that this return row belongs to.

ReturnCode int32 OPTIONAL

The return code for this return row.

ReturnAction int32 OPTIONAL

Possible values: [1, 2, 3, 4]

The action taken for this return row. 1 = Investigate. The return row is refunded, but is marked for investigation. 2 = NoRefund. No refund is made for the return row. 3 = RegularRefund. The return row is refunded normally. 4 = RefundToBalance. The return row is refunded to the customer's balance.
1 = Investigate. The return row is refunded, but is marked for investigation.
2 = NoRefund. No refund is made for the return row.
3 = RegularRefund. The return row is refunded normally.
4 = RefundToBalance. The return row is refunded to the customer's balance.

OrderRows object[] OPTIONAL

List of order rows belonging to this return.

OrderRowId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the order row.

ItemId int32 OPTIONAL

The SKU.

ProductId int32 OPTIONAL

The product id.

Price double OPTIONAL

The price of the order row, inc vat.

PriceExVat double OPTIONAL

The price of the order row, ex vat.

Name string OPTIONAL

The name of the order row.

ProductName string OPTIONAL

The name of the product.

Variant string OPTIONAL

The name of the variant.

Brand string OPTIONAL

The name of the product brand.

PrimaryImage string OPTIONAL

The primary image of the product.

ArticleNumber string OPTIONAL

The article number.

Shelf string OPTIONAL

The shelf of the SKU.

CampaignNames string OPTIONAL

The name of the campaigns applied to this order row.

Discount double OPTIONAL

The discount amount applied to this order row.

SuggestedRefundAmount double OPTIONAL

A suggested refund amount if this order row were to be returned. This takes into account discounts applied to the entire order.

AverageDiscount double OPTIONAL

The average discount applied to this order row. This takes into account discounts applied to the entire order.

PriceBeforeDiscount double OPTIONAL

The price of the order row before any discounts were applied.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.


Bad request.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.


Not found.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.