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Create return

Creates a new return.

Path Parameters
orderId int32 REQUIRED

The Order ID.

Request Body REQUIRED

Contains all information about a return.

ShippingFeeRefund double

How much of the shipping fee to refund. Optional.

PaymentFeeRefund double

How much of the payment fee to refund. Optional.

ReturnFee double

The fee that the customer pays for the return. This value will be deducted from the total refund. Optional.

AdminUserId int32

The id of the admin user that created the return. Leave blank if unsure. Optional.

Author string

The name of person or system that created the return. Optional.

Reference string

An custom reference for the return. Optional.

Description string

A describing text for the return. Optional.

SkipReturnEvents boolean

If set to true, no return events will be sent.

SkipProductEvents boolean

If set to true, no product events will be sent for restocked products.

SkipRefundEvents boolean

If set to true, no refund events will be sent.

RefundsRequireApproval boolean

If set to true, refunds will require approval before being sent.

ReturnRows object[]

The list of return rows to create. Each return row represents an order row that is returned. Required.

OrderRowId int32

The order row that this return row represents. Required.

ReturnCode int32

The return code for this return row. The return code is used to tag the return row with a reason. Required.

ReturnAction int32

Possible values: [1, 2, 3, 4]

The return action for this return row. The return action decides what type of refund should be created. Required. 1 = Investigate. The return row is refunded, but is marked for investigation. 2 = NoRefund. No refund is made for the return row. 3 = RegularRefund. The return row is refunded normally. 4 = RefundToBalance. The return row is refunded to the customer's balance.
1 = Investigate. The return row is refunded, but is marked for investigation.
2 = NoRefund. No refund is made for the return row.
3 = RegularRefund. The return row is refunded normally.
4 = RefundToBalance. The return row is refunded to the customer's balance.

RefundAmount double

The refund amount for this return row. The refund amount must be less than or equal to the order row value. Required.

Restock boolean

Set to true if the product corresponding to this return row should be automatically restocked when the return is created.

Settled boolean

If true, the refund will be marked as settled immediatley and won't trigger a refund event. This can be useful if the refund needs to be created retroactively, or when the money transacation has already occured.


The id of the created return.

Resource int32 OPTIONAL

The resource on which the action was taken.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.


Bad request.

Resource int32 OPTIONAL

The resource on which the action was taken.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.


Not found.

Resource int32 OPTIONAL

The resource on which the action was taken.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.