CampaignNumber int32 — OPTIONAL |
Status string — OPTIONAL |
RoundingMethod string — OPTIONAL |
ContractVersion string — OPTIONAL |
CampaignId uuid — OPTIONAL |
CampaignBaseType int32 — OPTIONALPossible values: [0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ] Campaign base type. Allowed values are code , cart , and product .
1 = cart
2 = code
3 = product |
Title object[] — OPTIONALLanguage string — OPTIONALThe language of the localized item. | Value string — OPTIONALThe value of the localized item. |
Description string — OPTIONAL |
MarketId string — OPTIONAL |
CampaignTypeId int32 — OPTIONALCampaign type ID. Fetch available campaign types from the campaign/types endpoint. |
BuyQuantity int32 — OPTIONAL |
Amounts object — OPTIONALAmounts. Key is ISO Currency code. Used by campaign types with an amount discount. |
PayForQuantity int32 — OPTIONAL |
Priority int32 — OPTIONAL |
StopCombining boolean — OPTIONALIndicates whether to stop combining. |
ValidFrom date-time — OPTIONAL |
ValidTo date-time — OPTIONAL |
PromoCode string — OPTIONAL |
HideTitle boolean — OPTIONALIndicates whether to hide the title. |
CantCombineWithCartCampaign boolean — OPTIONALIndicates whether the campaign cannot be combined with cart campaigns. |
PercentageValue double — OPTIONAL |
ExcludeProductsOnSale boolean — OPTIONALIndicates whether to exclude products on sale. |
SaleTypesToEnforce int32 — OPTIONALPossible values: [0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ] Sale types to enforce. Possible values are campaign , sale , and all .
1 = campaign
2 = sale
3 = all |
MinimumPurchaseAmounts object — OPTIONALMinimum purchase amounts. |
MinimumQuantity int32 — OPTIONAL |
OncePerCustomer boolean — OPTIONALIndicates whether the campaign is limited to once per customer. |
UseSalePrice boolean — OPTIONALIndicates whether to use the sale price when calculating campaign price. |
FreeShipping boolean — OPTIONALIndicates whether free shipping is included. |
UsageLimit int32 — OPTIONAL |
Prices object — OPTIONALPrices. Can be used with percentage campaign type. |
LandingPage object — OPTIONALRepresents a campaign landing page. Title object[] — OPTIONALLocalized titles for the landing page. Language string — OPTIONALThe language of the localized item. | Value string — OPTIONALThe value of the localized item. |
| Url object[] — OPTIONALLocalized URLs for the landing page. These can not be set directly, but are generated from the title. Values string[] — OPTIONALAdditional values for the extended localized item. | Language string — OPTIONALThe language of the localized item. | Value string — OPTIONALThe value of the localized item. |
| Description object[] — OPTIONALLocalized descriptions for the landing page. Language string — OPTIONALThe language of the localized item. | Value string — OPTIONALThe value of the localized item. |
| Meta object — OPTIONALRepresents the meta information for a campaign landing page. Title object[] — OPTIONALLocalized titles for the meta information. Language string — OPTIONALThe language of the localized item. | Value string — OPTIONALThe value of the localized item. |
| Keywords object[] — OPTIONALLocalized keywords for the meta information. Language string — OPTIONALThe language of the localized item. | Value string — OPTIONALThe value of the localized item. |
| Description object[] — OPTIONALLocalized descriptions for the meta information. Language string — OPTIONALThe language of the localized item. | Value string — OPTIONALThe value of the localized item. |
SelectedUsers string[] — OPTIONALSelected users, usually an array of email addresses. |
SelectedGroups string[] — OPTIONALSelected groups, usually an array of customer group IDs. |
Enabled boolean — OPTIONALIndicates whether the campaign is enabled. |
ProductSelection object — OPTIONALRepresents the product selection criteria. Include object — OPTIONALRepresents the data for product selection criteria. Condition int32 — OPTIONALCondition for combining criteria.
0 = and. Logical AND condition.
1 = or. Logical OR condition. | Categories object[] — OPTIONALList of category selections. Id int32 — OPTIONAL | Name string — OPTIONAL |
| Brands object[] — OPTIONALList of brand selections. Id int32 — OPTIONAL | Name string — OPTIONAL |
| Products int32[] — OPTIONAL | Price object[] — OPTIONALList of price selections. Condition int32 — OPTIONALPossible values: [0 , 1 , 2 ] Condition for the price selection.
0 = lt. Less than condition.
1 = gt. Greater than condition.
2 = eq. Equal to condition. | Prices object — OPTIONALDictionary of prices. Currency ISO code is used for the key. |
| Exclude object — OPTIONALRepresents the data for product selection criteria. Condition int32 — OPTIONALCondition for combining criteria.
0 = and. Logical AND condition.
1 = or. Logical OR condition. | Categories object[] — OPTIONALList of category selections. Id int32 — OPTIONAL | Name string — OPTIONAL |
| Brands object[] — OPTIONALList of brand selections. Id int32 — OPTIONAL | Name string — OPTIONAL |
| Products int32[] — OPTIONAL | Price object[] — OPTIONALList of price selections. Condition int32 — OPTIONALPossible values: [0 , 1 , 2 ] Condition for the price selection.
0 = lt. Less than condition.
1 = gt. Greater than condition.
2 = eq. Equal to condition. | Prices object — OPTIONALDictionary of prices. Currency ISO code is used for the key. |
Group string — OPTIONALGroup. Use it to group similar campaigns. |
PriceOutput int32 — OPTIONALPrice output type.
0 = Campaign
1 = Sale |