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Customers are the people that buy products from your company. Customers can be both private persons and companies. Every order is connected to a customer. The customer is also used to create invoices and delivery notes.

Customer Concept

  • Metadata
  • Customer balance
  • Customer group
  • Customer type
  • Customer status


The metadata of a customer is the most important part of a customer. The Metadata is also used to create the customer pages.

NameThe name of the customer.Jon Doe
EmailThe email of the customer.[email protected]
PhoneThe phone of the customer.+45 12345678
AddressThe address of the customer.Jon Doe, 1234 Street, 1234 City, Country
Customer groupThe customer group of the customer.Client X
Customer typeThe customer type of the customer.Private
InformationThe internal information of the customer.Added balance of 10$ to influencer
ActiveIf the customer is active.True

Customer balance

The customer balance is the amount of money that the customer has in the store. This ammount will substract from the total price of the order. The customer balance can be added by the merchant. The customer balance can be added by the customer by using a payment method that adds money to the customer balance. For example, the customer can add money to the customer balance by using the payment method Gift card.

Customer group

Customer groups are used to group customers. For example, a customer group can be used to group all customers that are influencers. The customer group can be used to create a discount for all customers in the customer group. Customer groups can be created by the merchant.

Customer type

Customer types are used to group customers. For example, a customer type can be used to group all customers that are private. The customer type can be used to create a discount for all customers in the customer type.

Suggested use cases

  • To create a discount for a customer group. For example, a customer can be grouped in the customer group influencers. The customer group influencers can be used to create a discount for all customers in the customer group.
  • To create content for a customer group. For example, a customer can be grouped in the customer group influencers. The customer group influencers can be used to create content for all customers in the customer group.
  • Show prices exclusing VAT. For example, a customer can be of Custeromer type Bussiness. The customer type Bussiness can be used to show prices exclusing VAT.
  • Special customer login only for customers of a customer group. For example, customer group influencers.

Show wholesale bundels. For example, a customer can be of Custeromer type Bussiness. The customer type Bussiness can be used to show diffrent product variations.