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Widgets are used to add content to pages in defined places. Widgets can be added to containers in areas.

Widgets Concept

  • A widget is a premade container for content.
  • A widget can be added to a container in an area.
  • A widget can be scheduled to be displayed on a specific date and time.
  • A widget can have a specific type.

Widget Types

There are several widget types that can be used out the box. You can also create your own custom widgets.

  • Text - A widget that can contain text.
  • Image - A widget that can contain an image.
  • Video - A widget that can contain a video.
  • Product list - A widget that can contain a filterd or curated list of products.
  • Banner - A widget that can contain a banner.
  • HTML - A widget where you can add your own HTML & CSS.
  • Rich text - A widget with a rich text editor.
Using the Rich text widget

If using the Rich Text widget you are entering a slippery slope back to WYSIWYG for your content. This widget is reluctantly included in the system as it is a common request. We recommend that you create your own custom widgets that can be used to create rich text content.

Create widget

Create your own widgets by using the Create widget function in your Geins Merchant Center.