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Update product parameter

Updates a product parameter.
Leaving out a property will ensure no changes are made to that property. Collection properties will delete and/or add as necessary to match the supplied data.

Path Parameters
id int32 REQUIRED

The id of the product parameter to update.

Request Body REQUIRED

The product parameter data to update.

ParameterId int32

The unique identifier for the parameter.

GroupId int32

The unique identifier of the group that this parameter belongs to.

ParameterType int32

Possible values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

The type of parameter.
1 = String. Any string value.
2 = Float. Any floating point number.
Period as decimal separator and no thousands separator.
Eg: 10001.789.
3 = DateTime. Any ISO 8601 date.
Eg: 2017-03-06T16:31:24+02:00.
4 = Multi. A string value from a predefined set of values.
This type may occur multiple times for the same parameter.
5 = Single. A string value from a predefined set of values.
6 = Headline. A string value used mainly for grouping in layout.
7 = Tags. A pipe-separated list of product specific values.
Eg: red|green|blue.

Name string

The non-localized name of the parameter.

LocalizedNames object[]

The localized names of the parameter.

LanguageCode string
Content string

The localized content.


The updated product parameter.

Resource object OPTIONAL

An existing product parameter.

ParameterId int32 OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the parameter.

GroupId int32 OPTIONAL

The unique identifier of the group that this parameter belongs to.

GroupName string OPTIONAL

The name of the group that this parameter belongs to.

ParameterType int32 OPTIONAL

Possible values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

The type of parameter.
1 = String. Any string value.
2 = Float. Any floating point number.
Period as decimal separator and no thousands separator.
Eg: 10001.789.
3 = DateTime. Any ISO 8601 date.
Eg: 2017-03-06T16:31:24+02:00.
4 = Multi. A string value from a predefined set of values.
This type may occur multiple times for the same parameter.
5 = Single. A string value from a predefined set of values.
6 = Headline. A string value used mainly for grouping in layout.
7 = Tags. A pipe-separated list of product specific values.
Eg: red|green|blue.

Name string OPTIONAL

The non-localized name of the parameter.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.


Bad request.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.