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Query suppliers

Query suppliers

Request Body REQUIRED

The details of the query

NameContains string

Limits query to suppliers with a name containing the specified string.

ExternalIds string[]

Limits query to externalIds.


A collection of suppliers matching the supplied query.

SupplierId int32 OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the supplier.

Name string OPTIONAL

The name of the supplier.

Address1 string OPTIONAL

The first address line of the supplier.

Address2 string OPTIONAL

The second address line of the supplier.

Address3 string OPTIONAL

The third address line of the supplier.

ZipCode string OPTIONAL

The zip code of the supplier.

City string OPTIONAL

The city of the supplier.

Country string OPTIONAL

The country of the supplier.

ContactPerson string OPTIONAL

The contact person of the supplier.

Phone1 string OPTIONAL

The primary phone number of the supplier.

Phone2 string OPTIONAL

The secondary phone number of the supplier.

Email string OPTIONAL

The email address of the supplier.

ExternalId string OPTIONAL

External Id of the supplier.