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Query refunds

Queries all refunds.

Request Body REQUIRED

The refund query.

CreatedAfter date-time

Limits refunds to those created after this date.

CreatedBefore date-time

Limits refunds to those created before this date.

ApprovedAfter date-time

Limits refunds to those approved after this date.

ApprovedBefore date-time

Limits refunds to those approved before this date.

UpdatedAfter date-time

Limits refunds to those updated after this date.

UpdatedBefore date-time

Limits refunds to those updated before this date.

IncludeStatuses int32[]

Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Limits refunds to only those with any of the specified statuses. 0 = All. Include all statuses. 1 = Sent. Include refunds marked as sent. 2 = Settled. Include refunds marked as settled. 3 = SettledManually. Include refunds marked as manually settled. 4 = Processed. Include refunds marked as processed. 5 = Investigation. Include refunds marked for investigation. 6 = Pending approval. Include refunds that are pending approval. 7 = Approved. Include refunds that are approved. Defaults to All if not set.

ExcludeStatuses int32[]

Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Limits refunds to only those without any of the specified statuses. 1 = Sent. Exclude refunds marked as sent. 2 = Settled. Exclude refunds marked as settled. 3 = SettledManually. Exclude refunds marked as manually settled. 4 = Processed. Exclude refunds marked as processed. 5 = Investigation. Exclude refunds marked for investigation. 6 = Pending approval. Exclude refunds that are pending approval. 7 = Approved. Exclude refunds that are approved. O or All is not valid as an exclude status and will not apply.


A collection of refunds that matches the requested query.

Resource object[] OPTIONAL

The resource on which the action was taken.

RefundId uuid OPTIONAL

The id of the refund.

RefundInstanceId int32 OPTIONAL

The internal id of the refund.

OrderId int32 OPTIONAL

The order id of the order that the refund belongs to.

Reference string OPTIONAL

A custom refund reference.

Description string OPTIONAL

A custom refund description.

Author string OPTIONAL

The name of the author of the refund.

ExternalOrderId string OPTIONAL

The external order id of the order.

OrderTransactionId string OPTIONAL

A transaction id of the order.

SecondaryOrderTransactionId string OPTIONAL

An secondary transaction id of the order.

ExternalId string OPTIONAL

An external transaction id of the order.

PaymentName string OPTIONAL

The name of the payment used in the order.

Locale string OPTIONAL

The locale of the order.

SiteName string OPTIONAL

The market the order was placed on.

Customer string OPTIONAL

The customer name.

OrderSum double OPTIONAL

The sum of the order.

OrderVat double OPTIONAL

The total vat of the order.

OrderValue double OPTIONAL

The total value of the order rows.

OrderDiscount double OPTIONAL

THe total discount on the order.

ShippingFee double OPTIONAL

The order shipping fee.

PaymentFee double OPTIONAL

The order payment fee.

Currency string OPTIONAL

The code of the currency used for the refund.

CreatedOn date-time OPTIONAL

The date the refund was created.

SentOn date-time OPTIONAL

The date the refund was marked as sent.

ProcessedOn date-time OPTIONAL

The date the refund was marked as processed.

Sent boolean OPTIONAL

If true, the refund has been marked as sent.

Processed boolean OPTIONAL

If true, the refund has been marked as processed.

RequiresApproval boolean OPTIONAL

True if this refund requires approval before being sent, processed or settled.

Approved boolean OPTIONAL

Null if undecided, true if approved and false if denied. Only applicable if RequiresApproval is true.

ApprovalDecidedBy string OPTIONAL

The name of the one that approved or denied the refund.

ApprovalDecidedOn date-time OPTIONAL

The date that the refund was approved or denied.

VatRate double OPTIONAL

Vat rate. E.g. 0.25 for 25%, 0.12 for 12%.

SkipRefundEvents boolean OPTIONAL

Whether or not refund events will be sent for this refund.

RefundedItemTotal double OPTIONAL

The total amount refunded from order rows.

RefundedShippingFee double OPTIONAL

The amount refunded from the shipping fee.

OrderStatus string OPTIONAL

The status of the order that the refund belongs to.

RefundedPaymentFee double OPTIONAL

The amount refunded from the payment fee.

RefundedDiscount double OPTIONAL

The amount refunded from the discount (can be split over several refunds).

Shipped boolean OPTIONAL

The shipping status of the order that the refund belongs to.

RefundedBalance double OPTIONAL

The amount refunded from the balance (can be split over several refunds).

RefundedTotal double OPTIONAL

Total amount refunded.

RefundRows object[] OPTIONAL

List of refund rows belonging to this refund.

OrderId int32 OPTIONAL
RefundRowId int32 OPTIONAL
OrderRowId int32 OPTIONAL

The order row id that this refund row belongs to, if any.

RefundAmount double OPTIONAL

The refund amount. This can be different than the corresponding order row value.

ToBalance boolean OPTIONAL

If true, the refund amount of this refund row is added to the customer's balance.

Settled boolean OPTIONAL

If true, the refund row is marked as settled.

SettledOn date-time OPTIONAL

The date when the refund row was marked as settled.

CreatedOn date-time OPTIONAL

The date the refund row was created.

Investigation boolean OPTIONAL

If true, the refund row is marked for investigation.

RefundType int32 OPTIONAL

Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3]

The kind of source transaction the refund is derived from. 0 = Default. A regular refund of the order or order row. 1 = InstanceCost. Return cost type, used in drawing cost for instance. 2 = Shipping. Refund shipping type, used to refund shipping. 3 = InvoiceFee. Refund invoice fee.
0 = Default. A regular refund of the order or order row.
1 = InstanceCost. Return cost type, used in drawing cost for instance.
2 = Shipping. Refund shipping type, used to refund shipping.
3 = InvoiceFee. Refund invoice fee.

Rows object[] OPTIONAL

List of order rows belonging to this refund.

OrderRowId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the order row.

ItemId int32 OPTIONAL

The SKU.

ProductId int32 OPTIONAL

The product id.

Price double OPTIONAL

The price of the order row, inc vat.

PriceExVat double OPTIONAL

The price of the order row, ex vat.

Name string OPTIONAL

The name of the order row.

ProductName string OPTIONAL

The name of the product.

Variant string OPTIONAL

The name of the variant.

Brand string OPTIONAL

The name of the product brand.

PrimaryImage string OPTIONAL

The primary image of the product.

ArticleNumber string OPTIONAL

The article number.

Shelf string OPTIONAL

The shelf of the SKU.

CampaignNames string OPTIONAL

The name of the campaigns applied to this order row.

Discount double OPTIONAL

The discount amount applied to this order row.

SuggestedRefundAmount double OPTIONAL

A suggested refund amount if this order row were to be returned. This takes into account discounts applied to the entire order.

AverageDiscount double OPTIONAL

The average discount applied to this order row. This takes into account discounts applied to the entire order.

PriceBeforeDiscount double OPTIONAL

The price of the order row before any discounts were applied.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.


Bad request.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.


Not found.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.