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Query orders

Queries orders.

Request Body REQUIRED

The details of the query.

Updated date-time

Given a date, only orders updated after the provided date will be returned.

StatusList string

Comma separated list of statuses to filter on.
Valid statuses are:

MarketId int32

Id of a market.

PaymentName string

Name of a payment method.

ParcelGroupId int32

Id of a parcel group.

CustomerId int32

The id of a customer.

Email string

The email of a customer.

Include string

Comma separated list of child-collections to also include in the query result.
Possible values are:

ExternalOrderStatus int32

This status can be used by an external system to change the status of an order, such as failed or done.
Predefined statuses are:
0 = None
10 = New
20 = Processing
30 = Failed
40 = Done

CombineProductContainerRows boolean

If true, will combine all order rows that are part of a container into a single container row.

PackingLocationId int32

The packing place to get orders from.


A collection of orders matching the supplied query.


The id of the order.

ChannelId string OPTIONAL

Channel id. Format: {Íd}|{MarketTopDomain}, Read only.

ExternalId string OPTIONAL

The external id of the order.

PersonalId string OPTIONAL

The personal id or organisation number of the customer.

CustomerId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the customer that placed the order.

CustomerTypeId int32 OPTIONAL

Customer type. Usually 1 for private customers and 2 for companies.

CustomerGroupId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the customer group that the customer belongs to, if any.

CustomerGroupName string OPTIONAL

The name of the customer group that the customer belongs to, if any.

CreatedAt date-time OPTIONAL

Date and time when the order was created.

UpdatedAt date-time OPTIONAL

Date and time when the order was last updated.

CompletedAt date-time OPTIONAL

The date nd time when the order was completed (eg delivered and paid).

Status string OPTIONAL

The order status.
Possbile values:

Currency string OPTIONAL

ISO currency code.

CurrencyRate double OPTIONAL

The currency rate to SEK.

MarketId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the market that this order originates from.

MarketName string OPTIONAL

The market name. This is usually equal to the site or channel name.

Language string OPTIONAL

Two-letter language code.

OrderTotal double OPTIONAL

Order total.

ExpectedSum double OPTIONAL

Expected total sum to be paid after discount and balance.
The value is usually taken directly from the payment provider and represents the actual reserved amount. If this differs from OrderTotal, actions should be taken to ensure they match. This usually happens due to rounding.

VATTotal double OPTIONAL

Order VAT total.

OrderValueIncVat double OPTIONAL

Order value inc vat after discount but before balance.

OrderValueExVat double OPTIONAL

Order value ex vat after discount but before balance.

ItemValueIncVat double OPTIONAL

Item value inc vat excluding fees and discount.

ItemValueExVat double OPTIONAL

Item value ex vat excluding fees and discount.

Discount double OPTIONAL

Total discount inc vat.

DiscountExVat double OPTIONAL

Total discount ex vat.

FromBalance double OPTIONAL

The amount which was withdrawn from the customers balance inc vat.

ShippingFee double OPTIONAL

Shipping fee inc vat.

ShippingFeeExVat double OPTIONAL

Shipping fee ex vat.

PaymentFee double OPTIONAL

Payment fee inc vat.

PaymentFeeExVat double OPTIONAL

Payment fee ex vat.

Message string OPTIONAL

Order message. Can contain instructions from customer or added details about the order.

OrderMessages string[] OPTIONAL

Internal order messages. Can contain internal details about the order.

PaymentDetails object[] OPTIONAL

List of payment details.


Unique identifier for this payment detail.
Exception: For some payment options this field can be 0. These orders only have one payment detail.

PaymentId int32 OPTIONAL

Payment method id.

Name string OPTIONAL

The name of the payment method.

DisplayName string OPTIONAL

The display name of the payment method.

TransactionId string OPTIONAL

The transaction id (external reference).

SecondaryTransactionId string OPTIONAL

The secondary transaction id, if any (external reference).

ReservationNumber string OPTIONAL

The reservation number. This field is not available for all payment methods.

ReservationDate date-time OPTIONAL

Reservation date.

PaymentDate date-time OPTIONAL

The date all captures have been processed.

Total double OPTIONAL


Payed boolean OPTIONAL

True if all captures have been processed.

PaymentFee double OPTIONAL

The payment fee.

ShippingFee double OPTIONAL

The shipping fee.

PaymentOption string OPTIONAL

The name of the payment option, if any.
This doesn't have to be the same as the payment name. Eg "Direct bank payment", "Card", "Invoice" etc.

ShippingDetails object[] OPTIONAL

List of shipping details.


The id of the shipping detail.

ShippingId int32 OPTIONAL

Id of the shipping method.

Name string OPTIONAL

Name of the shipping method.

ParcelNumber string OPTIONAL

Parcel number (tracking number).

ShippingDate date-time OPTIONAL

Shipping date.

TrackingUrl string OPTIONAL

Tracking URL.

ExternalDeliveryOptionId string OPTIONAL

Delivery option id of the external shipping provider.

ExternalServiceId string OPTIONAL

Service id of the external shipping provider.

ExternalCarrierId string OPTIONAL

Carrier id of the external shipping provider.

ExternalDeliveryId string OPTIONAL

Delivery id of the external shipping provider.

PickupPoint string OPTIONAL

Pickup point.

ExternalDeliveryData string OPTIONAL

External delivery data. Usually a JSON string. Example for nShift: {"agent":{"quickId":"GV004","name":"Gävle ICA Söder","address1":"Södra Kungsgatan 32","address2":null,"zipcode":"80252","city":"Gävle","country":"SE"},"service":{"id":"BUDBEEBOX","name":"Budbee Box","title":"Budbee Box","sourceSystem":"UNIFAUNONLINE"},"senderPartner":{"id":"BUDBEE","agentNo":null,"custNo":"000000","bookingId":"000000"},"prepareId":"00000000000000000000000000000000"}

ShippingAddress object OPTIONAL

An address.

Company string OPTIONAL

Company name.

CareOf string OPTIONAL

Care of. C/O.

State string OPTIONAL

ISO code or name of the state, province or district.

Country string OPTIONAL

ISO code of the country.

FirstName string OPTIONAL

The first part(s) of the customer name.

LastName string OPTIONAL

The last part(s), or family name of the customer.

Email string OPTIONAL

The email of the customer.

AddressLine1 string OPTIONAL

The first line of the address, usually street and house number.

AddressLine2 string OPTIONAL

The second line of the address.

AddressLine3 string OPTIONAL

The third line of the address.

Zip string OPTIONAL

The postal / zip code.

City string OPTIONAL

The city.

Phone string OPTIONAL

The (land-line) phone number of the customer.

Mobile string OPTIONAL

The SMS-capable number of the customer.

EntryCode string OPTIONAL

The delivery address entry code, if needed for successful delivery.

BillingAddress object OPTIONAL

An address.

Company string OPTIONAL

Company name.

CareOf string OPTIONAL

Care of. C/O.

State string OPTIONAL

ISO code or name of the state, province or district.

Country string OPTIONAL

ISO code of the country.

FirstName string OPTIONAL

The first part(s) of the customer name.

LastName string OPTIONAL

The last part(s), or family name of the customer.

Email string OPTIONAL

The email of the customer.

AddressLine1 string OPTIONAL

The first line of the address, usually street and house number.

AddressLine2 string OPTIONAL

The second line of the address.

AddressLine3 string OPTIONAL

The third line of the address.

Zip string OPTIONAL

The postal / zip code.

City string OPTIONAL

The city.

Phone string OPTIONAL

The (land-line) phone number of the customer.

Mobile string OPTIONAL

The SMS-capable number of the customer.

EntryCode string OPTIONAL

The delivery address entry code, if needed for successful delivery.

Rows object[] OPTIONAL

List of order rows.


The id of this order row.

ProductId int32 OPTIONAL

Product id.

Name string OPTIONAL

Order row name.

ProductName string OPTIONAL

Product name.

ItemId int32 OPTIONAL

Item id (SKU).

ItemName string OPTIONAL

Item name.

ArticleNumber string OPTIONAL

Article number.

Total double OPTIONAL

Order row total (affected by quantity).

ExpectedTotalPriceIncVat double OPTIONAL

Expected total price inc vat, inc row discount.
The value is usually taken directly from the payment provider and represents the actual paid amount.

DiscountRate double OPTIONAL

Order row discount rate. E.g. 10% = 10.0

Discount double OPTIONAL

Order row discount sum inc VAT.

ExpectedTotalDiscountIncVat double OPTIONAL

Expected total discount inc vat.
The value is usually taken directly from the payment provider and represents the actual applied discount amount.

VATTotal double OPTIONAL

Order row total VAT (affected by quantity).


VAT rate. E.g. 25% = 0.25.

Quantity int32 OPTIONAL


PurchasePrice double OPTIONAL

Purchase price of the product.

PaymentDetailId int32 OPTIONAL

A reference to the payment detail that this row belongs to.

ShippingDetailId int32 OPTIONAL

A reference to the shipping detail that this row belongs to.

Market string OPTIONAL

The market that the order row belongs to.

UnitPrice double OPTIONAL

Order row unit price inc vat, inc row discount.

ProductContainerBuildId int32 OPTIONAL

A reference to the product container build the row belongs to.

Message string OPTIONAL

A system message for this row.

CartRowId int32 OPTIONAL

The unique identifier for the cart row from which this order row originates.

ExternalId string OPTIONAL

The identifier for the external row from which this order row originates.

ProductContainerSelectionId int32 OPTIONAL

The identifier for a Product container selection id that is part of the product configurator module

ProductContainerName string OPTIONAL

The name of the product container.

ExternalProductId string OPTIONAL

External Id of the product.

ExternalProductItemId string OPTIONAL

External Id of the product item.

ParcelGroupId int32 OPTIONAL

Parcel group id for a shipped order row.

BrandName string OPTIONAL

Brand name of the product.

Gtin string OPTIONAL

The GTIN number for the product item. Also known as EAN, UCC or UPS number.

Weight int32 OPTIONAL

The weight of the product item in grams (g).

Length int32 OPTIONAL

The length of the product item in millimeters (mm).

Width int32 OPTIONAL

The width of the product item in millimeters (mm).

Height int32 OPTIONAL

The height of the product item in millimeters (mm).

Color string OPTIONAL

Product color. E.g. Black.

Variant string OPTIONAL

Product variant. E.g. Black XL.

CampaignIds string[] OPTIONAL

The ids for the campaigns applied to this row.

CampaignGroupData string OPTIONAL

Contains json data describing the different campaign groups belonging to this row.
i -> Campaign Number (int), n -> Number of items belonging to this group.

CampaignGroupId int32 OPTIONAL

Contains the the ID of the campaign group this row belongs to.

CampaignNames string[] OPTIONAL

The names for the campaigns applied to this row.

CategoryId int32 OPTIONAL

The product category for the product on this order row.

RelatedProductsBuildId string OPTIONAL

GUID that connects orderrows that are part of a build.

PackingLocationId int32 OPTIONAL

The packing location of this order row.

ProductPriceCampaignId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the applied product price campaign.

ProductPriceListId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the applied product price list.

ProductPackageId int32 OPTIONAL

Id of the product package used for this row.

ProductPackageName string OPTIONAL

Name of the product package used for this row.

ProductPackageGroupId uuid OPTIONAL

The unique group id for the product package used for this row.
This separates purchases of multiple packages with the same id.

Status string OPTIONAL

Status of the order row. Possible values are: ready, returned, shipped, cancelled, backorder

Refunds object[] OPTIONAL

List of order refunds.


The id of this refund.

OrderRowId int32 OPTIONAL

Reference to the order row that has been refunded.

PaymentDetailId int32 OPTIONAL

Reference to the payment detail that has been refunded.

ReturnId int32 OPTIONAL

Id number of the return. Can be used to group refunds.

ArticleNumber string OPTIONAL

Article number. If the refund is not bound to an order row this field contains an optional refund article number.

CreatedAt date-time OPTIONAL

Datetime when the refund was created.

Total double OPTIONAL

Total amount refunded.

ReasonCode int32 OPTIONAL

Reason code for the refund.

Reason string OPTIONAL

Reason for refund.

ToBalance boolean OPTIONAL

Shows if the refund was deposited to the customers balance.

Vat double OPTIONAL

Vat percent in decimals for the refunded amount.

ItemId int32 OPTIONAL

Item id (SKU).

RefundType string OPTIONAL

Refund type.

Ip string OPTIONAL

Customer IP-number.

UserAgent string OPTIONAL

Customer User Agent.

ServiceLocation string OPTIONAL

Chosen service location.

CampaignCode string OPTIONAL

Campaign code applied to the order.

CampaignCodeId int32 OPTIONAL

The internal id of the applied campaign code.

Percent int32 OPTIONAL

General percent discount applied to the order.

DesiredDeliveryDate date-time OPTIONAL

The desired delivery date of the order.

Gender boolean OPTIONAL

The gender of the customer.
True = male, False = female, null = unknown.

CartId int32 OPTIONAL

The id of the cart from which this order originates.

SessionId string OPTIONAL

The session id for the from which this order originates.

ExternalOrderStatus int32 OPTIONAL

Possible values: [0, 10, 20, 30, 40]

0 = None
10 = New
20 = Processing
30 = Failed
40 = Done

CampaignIds string[] OPTIONAL

The ids for the campaigns applied to this order (not rows).

CampaignNames string[] OPTIONAL

The names of the campaigns applied to this order (not rows).

MetaData object OPTIONAL

The order meta data to store additional information about the order.

PublicId uuid OPTIONAL

The public id of this order.