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Get market

Get market

Path Parameters
marketId string REQUIRED

The id of the market to get.

Query Parameters
marketIdType int32

Possible values: [0, 1]

The type of market id supplied.
0 = Internal. Internal market id set by Geins.
1 = Name. The name of the market.


The requested market.

Resource object OPTIONAL

Market id.

ChannelId string OPTIONAL

Channel id. Format: {Íd}|{MarketTopDomain}

Name string OPTIONAL

Market Name.

DisplayName string OPTIONAL

Market display name.

Url string OPTIONAL

Market url.

Currency string OPTIONAL

Default currency iso code of the market.

VatRate double OPTIONAL

Default VAT Rate of the market.

MarketPrefix string OPTIONAL

Market prefix. Usually the top level domain of the market.

CountryId int32 OPTIONAL

Default country Id of the market.

CurrencyId int32 OPTIONAL

Default currency Id of the market.

CurrencyRate double OPTIONAL

Currency rate of the default currency.

LanguageId int32 OPTIONAL

Default language Id of the market.

Language string OPTIONAL

Default language iso code of the market.

Languages object[] OPTIONAL

All languages of the market.

LanguageId int32 OPTIONAL

Language id.

Name string OPTIONAL

Language Name

Code string OPTIONAL

ISO code of the language.

Countries object[] OPTIONAL

All countries of the market.

CountryId int32 OPTIONAL

Country id.

Name string OPTIONAL

Country Name

Code string OPTIONAL

ISO code of the country.

VatRate double OPTIONAL

VAT Rate of the country.

CurrencyId int32 OPTIONAL

Currency id of the country.

Currencies object[] OPTIONAL

All currencies of the market.

Name string OPTIONAL

Currency Name.

Code string OPTIONAL

Iso code of the currency.

CurrencyId int32 OPTIONAL

Currency id.

CurrencyRate double OPTIONAL

Currency rate.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.


Bad request.

Message string OPTIONAL

A status message for the action taken.

Details string[] OPTIONAL

Any validation messages for the data on the current action.