Id int32 — OPTIONAL |
Name string — OPTIONAL |
DisplayName string — OPTIONAL |
Url string — OPTIONAL |
Currency string — OPTIONALDefault currency iso code of the market. |
VatRate double — OPTIONALDefault VAT Rate of the market. |
MarketPrefix string — OPTIONALMarket prefix. Usually the top level domain of the market. |
CountryId int32 — OPTIONALDefault country Id of the market. |
CurrencyId int32 — OPTIONALDefault currency Id of the market. |
CurrencyRate double — OPTIONALCurrency rate of the default currency. |
LanguageId int32 — OPTIONALDefault language Id of the market. |
Language string — OPTIONALDefault language iso code of the market. |
Languages object[] — OPTIONALAll languages of the market. LanguageId int32 — OPTIONAL | Name string — OPTIONAL | Code string — OPTIONALISO code of the language. |
Countries object[] — OPTIONALAll countries of the market. CountryId int32 — OPTIONAL | Name string — OPTIONAL | Code string — OPTIONAL | VatRate double — OPTIONAL | CurrencyId int32 — OPTIONALCurrency id of the country. |
Currencies object[] — OPTIONALAll currencies of the market. Name string — OPTIONAL | Code string — OPTIONALIso code of the currency. | CurrencyId int32 — OPTIONAL | CurrencyRate double — OPTIONAL |