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Slack with Geins Webhooks

This guide demonstrates how to set up a webhook to send a notification to a Slack channel on various events an order can go through in Geins.


Slack is a popular messaging app for teams. It provides a platform for team communication and collaboration. Slack also supports webhooks, which can be used to send notifications to a Slack channel. This can be useful for sending notifications about events in geins , such as when an order is locked or when a new customer is created.

Setting up webhook for locked order

This example demonstrates how to configure a webhook to send a notification to a Slack channel when an order gets locked. The notification will include a link to the OMS for more detailed information about the order.

  • Step 1: Create the incoming Webhook in Slack. Please refer to Slack documentation
  • Step 2: Set up the webhook to listen for lock actions on the Order entity.

cURL Example

Use cURL to create the webhook
curl -X POST "" `
-H "Content-Type: application/json" `
-H "X-Apikey: api-key" `
-u "user:password" `
-d '{
"Entity": "Order",
"Name": "Order Notification to Slack",
"Description": "Notifies when an order is locked",
"Actions": "lock",
"Method": "POST",
"Url": "",
"Body": "{\"text\": \"An order has been locked: <{{id}}|Order Details>\"}",
"Headers": "Content-Type: application/json",
"Retry": true