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type CheckoutType {
email: String
identityNumber: String
cart: CartType
billingAddress: AddressType
shippingAddress: AddressType
consents: [ConsentType] @deprecated
paymentOptions: [PaymentOptionType]
shippingOptions: [ShippingOptionType]
shippingData: String
checkoutStatus: CheckoutStatus

Fields ● String scalar

CheckoutType.identityNumber ● String scalar

CheckoutType.cart ● CartType object

CheckoutType.billingAddress ● AddressType object

CheckoutType.shippingAddress ● AddressType object

CheckoutType.consents ● [ConsentType] deprecated list object


The consent module is not supported any more.

CheckoutType.paymentOptions ● [PaymentOptionType] list object

CheckoutType.shippingOptions ● [ShippingOptionType] list object

CheckoutType.shippingData ● String scalar

CheckoutType.checkoutStatus ● CheckoutStatus enum

Returned by

createOrUpdateCheckout mutation ● setCartShippingFee mutation